
<aside> 🥅 CORE OFFER:



<aside> ✍🏼 What ideas or initiatives do you have to bring traffic to your website or awareness of your business? (Think: Referrals, SEO & Social Initiatives)


<aside> ✍🏼 What needs to be put in place to bring this to life? **One Time:




What are ideas or initiatives to build trust and authority with your potential clients? How can you get them to opt in to connect with you?

Customer Action: Subscriber to email list

<aside> 🔄 What needs to be put in place to bring this to life? One Time:




What are ideas or initiatives to get potential customers to buy your offer? (Launches, funnel, or other sales tactics)

Customer Action: Customer buys product

<aside> 🔄 What needs to be put in place to bring this to life? One Time:




What are ideas or initiatives to improve or optimize your offer so it solves a clear problem for your audience? (Think improving offers, creating new offers, or updating sales pages)

Customer Action: Customer is using and implementing course . Is experiencing promised transformation


What are ideas or initiatives to improve or optimize your offer so it solves a clear problem for your audience? (Think improving offers, creating new offers, or updating sales pages)

Customer Action: Customer is using and implementing course . Is experiencing promised transformation

<aside> 🔄 What needs to be put in place to bring this to life? One Time:



<aside> 🔄 What needs to be put in place to bring this to life? One Time:




What are ideas or initiatives to improve the customer experience and make them raving fans? (Hint: This could be setting up a check in system to get testimonials or even an affiliate program

Customer Action: Customer has experience promised transformation and is sharing about it & is actively referring people

<aside> 🔄 What needs to be put in place to bring this to life? One Time:



“Peaceful Profit Flow” ©" Plan by Jessica D. Walther & The Launch Collaborative | Subscribe to my Youtube for Tech Tutorials | Follow Me on Instagram